Tulsi Mantra Drops Immunity Booster

Tulsi Mantra Drops – An Incredible Immunity Booster

“Your immunity is weak”, this is what that we usually say to a person who always complains fever, cold, cough, and other respiratory disorders. Of course, weak immunity could be one of the major reasons for these common health issues.

Therefore, it is needed to take all necessary measures to strengthen the body’s immunity so that one can live a healthy and happy life.

We all know, “Health is wealth”. So, protect your wealth timely before it gets too late.

Tulsi Mantra Drops is one such solution that can help boost your body’s immunity and keep infections at bay. With the perfect blend of 5 types of Basil, Tulsi Mantra Drops gives your body strength from inside to fight against the illnesses. It’s completely Ayurvedic and great immunity booster for the whole family.

Key Ingredients

An Ideal Blend of Herbs for an Improved Immune System.

Rama Tulsi

It's an anti-bacterial form of Tulsi; helpful in lung problems, asthma, high blood sugar, Leucoderma, cough, cold, and chest congestion.

Vishnu Tulsi

This type of Tulsi is effective in keeping your body active and energetic. It lessens the laziness in the body, boosts immunity, and also helpful in relieving stress. Vishu Tulsi relaxes your mind, keeps your mood tranquil, and helps get rid of constant anxiety.

Krishna Tulsi

Krishna Tulsi detoxifies your body, improves blood circulation; useful in heart problems. It eliminates toxins from the body and maintains a healthy well-being.

Shukla Tulsi

Being rich in anti-oxidants, Shukla Tulsi helps prevent premature aging, reduces blemishes, pimples, and acne. It also strengthens our hair root, thus prevents hair loss.

Vana Tulsi

Vana Tulsi reduces body weakness, bad mouth odour and enhances facial glow and body's immunity. Its extract is efficacious to provide benefits like increased physical and mental endurance and also adds more nutrients and oxygen to the bloodstream..


Authentic Ayurvedic care for the health of whole family


Why Tulsi Mantra Drops are Beneficial

In Ayurveda, Tulsi is considered as "Queen of Herbs" and well-famous for its healing and medicinal properties. Every type of Basil plant is prescribed for its unique health and medicinal benefits. Tulsi Mantra Drops is also enriched with the goodness of 5 types of basils such as Rama Tulsi, Vishnu Tulsi, Shukla Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi, and Vana Tulsi.Tulsi Mantra Range of Products is prepared to improve immunity & Keep body fit

This wonderful potion of Tulsi Mantra Drops with the potency of every Tulsi type helps in enhancing the body's immunity and provides inner strength. Besides this, intake of 2 drops of Tusli Mantra daily, prevents common health issues like cold, cough, fever, anxiety, pimples, and acne. Being Ayurvedic, it is safe to use for the whole family

How to Use

Take 2-3 drops a day
Or As directed by physician


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